Always Deliver on Time
This is the prime directive of exceeding expectations and should guide everything you do. An employee who consistently delivers on time will be given visibility and opportunities that others will not, and is the key to success in the workplace.
The two aspects to focus on are what and when. In order to be successful, you and your manager must have the same understanding as to what should be delivered, and when. So long as you both have the same expectations you have a good chance of being successful.
The best time to get information about a new assignment is when it is being assigned to you. The more interactive this discussion is, the better you will understand what you have to deliver.
This is also the best time to find out when the assignment is due. You are looking for precision here; a date and time. “The end of next week” is too vague. You may consider this to be end-of-day Friday, whereas your manager may be thinking Friday morning. Imagine putting in all of your effort and delivering this early at 2pm, only to find out your manager needed it at 9am for a meeting with his manager, and it’s now useless.
If your manager does say “the end of next week,” clarify that by saying, “I will deliver this by 12pm next Friday. Are you OK with that?
Now that you know what has to be done, the biggest threat to your success is not having enough time to do it. The best way to determine how much time the assignment will take is to put together a day-by-day list of when each task will be completed.
- Break down the assignment into manageable tasks
- Estimate how much time each task will take
- Decide the order you will perform those tasks
- Map all of the tasks into half-day time slots
At this point you can clearly determine whether or not you can complete the task on time.
So long as this schedule ends before the agreed upon due date, you are in good shape. If the schedule goes past the due date, then you need to make sure you feel confident in your estimate and go talk to your manager .
There are a couple of ways to handle this with your manager. You could go into your their office and say that there is no way you can complete the assignment by the due date. At this point your manager will be thinking, Bring me solutions, not problems!
What you want to do is show your manager that you've thought the problem through, made some conscious decisions about how long some things will take and have a plan of action to get the work done. Now you and your manager can have a meaningful discussion at a detailed level. You have probably made some assumptions and once your manager clarifies those some estimates may change. If not, then you can agree on a date you are both comfortable with.
They key is that you've had this discussion as soon as possible after being assigned the work. You've now turned an assignment that would have been impossible to complete into a situation where your manager has seen you be proactive in managing your work. More importantly, your manager won't be setting expectations with other folks about when this work will be done. One thing to always bear in mind...Never make your manager look bad.
This phase will consume the majority of your time. The underlying premise is that you know how to accomplish the task you've been assigned. If you don't, then you've got problems.
The key here is keeping to your schedule. You have committed to a specific timeline, and any deviations from that will be seen as a failure. To be sure, there may be good reasons for a delay, but you must do everything in your power to stay on track.
In the event something happens that will prevent you from delivering on time, you need to do three things:
- Alert your manager to the problem as soon as possible
- Describe what you are doing to resolve the problem
- Provide a new target date
When you complete the deliverable make sure you manager knows it! Hopefully, you've found a way to deliver it early, so your manager will be doubly pleased. Just make sure your manager know where to find your deliverable or to get more information about it.
Re: Task dependencies.
Mmay be too much project management focused as you said. I think at least give it a mention in this chapter since it does seem important in any topic of "delivering on time". Something like.... when you're assigned a task, make sure you understand any dependencies you have. If it is your responsibility to manage those dependencies, then plan that in to your tasks. If it is your manager's (or someone else's) responsibility, make sure they understand that you're relying on them for you to get your personal task done. That way they won't be surprised when you are hounding them to deliver.
To me this sounded like a single threaded program in a multi-threaded system :) How to manage concurrent tasks for the same or multiple managers would be nice to understand. Also, I think Quality of work delivered needs to be mentioned, and when not to sacrifice quality to deliver on time, conversely when you can sacrifice quality.
Hi Kevin. This is fantastic. I just noticed a couple of minor things but the content is very appropriate for any employee.
Under Validation, "your their office" needs to be corrected.
"You have probably made some assumptions and once your manager clarifies THEM, some estimates may change."
"If not, then you can agree on a date you are both comfortable with."
(with which you are comfortable)
Under Always Deliver On Time, Execution & Validation, you used "the key...". Maybe use alternate words for variety.
Under Delivery, "make sure YOUR manager knows it!"
"your manager KNOWS where"
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